Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Lies of the Beautiful People

This title is stolen from the song from the band SIXX:AM. And I wanted to write this blog because recently... problems have been brewing not just in me, but I am seeing things around me that just discourages me. That is why this entry will be called "The Lies of the Beautiful People"

Now that I have brought you here, where should I start? ok. SIXX:AM. In that band, there is Nikki Sixx. If you do not know who Nikki Sixx is, PLEASE google him. He is one of my idols. Okay at first you might think, wow... what a "badass" person, he must be into drugs or something like that. He's an awesome rocker, but he has a heart of gold. I did 6 hour of bus, and 6 hours more waiting for him IN LINE to get my book signed by him. he might look like the badass rockstar, but he is just another person like you and me. The difference here is, that he is famous haha! When I read his book... he inspired me and helped me through what has been happening right now... here is the deal.

So recently, a friend has told me that I've been on gyaru_secrets. If you do not know what it is, GOOD. but it is just a community on LiveJournal that posts "gyaru secrets". Well guess what, it did not stop it from raging to bashing community. *sigh* Who are they to point fingers at people? Who are they to say that this person is pretty and this person is not? A hater posted one of my "gyaru" pictures, saying I looked tranny (I get that a lot on youtube so meh). It gets old. But then someone posted me again (wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person) but this time... it was not even gyaru related! That person just stole my picture (where I'm posing with a pole) and stole another picture, saying that, was I a pornstar , a whore or whatever I didn't really read it all. Wow. At first, I thought it was funny because, first of all, I am not a whore, nor a pornstar. But then again, what if I was ;) Does that really change who I am? I am still nice to you, all my friends, and noble to my kind heart. Furthermore, what does that person have against WHORES or pornstars? Now here comes the society's standards. Pornstars are badly viewed in our society just as how VISUAL-KEI is seen as ridiculous if you walk in the streets in it. I greatly dislike this. You know pornstars are just comfortable with their bodies and sexuality. And alternative people with visual-kei touches just have a little bit of eccentricity in their minds. What is so wrong about exposing your "pussy"? Or nipples? you know what's even funnier? A girl that shows her vagina will be called a whore. But when a guy shows his dong. AAAAAAH! Here is another story. He will either be called OMG HOT!!! Or just nasty. Nikki Sixx mentionned in his book, that the "Top 100 most beautiful people of the year" things are just ridiculous. Do you have to be a celebrity and such to be the most beautiful people? What if the most "ugliest" people became the most beautiful people? This society is rotten. Yes. There are outcasts. And no matter what we do, there will be always some people that will try to stop us. Persist.

Some people think they are so original or "good" but they are as rotten as the society-brainwashed people. Don't criticize me, or your neighbour. Look at yourself first. Other than Nikki Sixx. Andy Six from Black Veil Brides. Black Veil Brides often sings about outcasts. And of course, I do associate myself to them. They are all talented musicians, but see? They still get called faggots, gay and things like that. Can I say it again? Society is rotten. In one of Andy Six's blog, he wrote this inspiring text... He was at a hospital, and his mother was in the surroundings. You guys all know how Andy looked before, the typical "emo" style. Spiky hair, piercings and tattoos. Then, a couple said "What will his mother think!". Then his mother barged in and told them that she is proud to have Andy Six as a son. Look at where Andy Six is now. Now he sings to all of the outcasts out there, to tell us to not give a fuck and just be yourself. And by being YOURSELF, you do not give in to anybody else in whatever way!

I saw this awesome quote once "When you talk about somebody else, it doesn't define them. It defines yourself."

We are beautiful as outcasts, remember that. We do not need to be what society told us to be. If you wish to be, go ahead, but do not point fingers. That is when the hate comes in. And when a finger is pointed at me, I just feel like if want to go even further. I also would like to point out at what Ashley Purdy said in one of his interviews. Rock'n'Roll is about doing what the fuck you want and not giving a damn about what the others think!!

VIDEO: http://www.vevo.com/watch/black-veil-brides/fallen-angels/USUV71100516

The end. :) this was a bit long but I tried to make it as short as possible. Keep on rockin dear roses.


  1. I <3 you!! Mostly cuz, you're so 'edgy' and it's so clearly you.

    There are two things that my dad always said to me, and I repeat to myself often if I feel like I'm being made fun off or treated as if I'm less than other people.

    The first is:
    "A person with a beautiful soul and beautiful heart are beautiful no matter what they look like. And a person who has an ugly heart and soul are ugly not matter what they look like."

    The second is: (this is my fav)
    "Fuck them! They arent better than you or anyone else. We all just die anyway, and no ammount of money, looks, education will keep that from happening."

    Death is a steady scale, and the great equalizer. So yeah I thought this was realivent. Haters need to spend less time hating and more time doing something with their own lives.

  2. Miss Eme this is probably the most beautiful blog post i've ever read :) and i feel the same.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I loved this blog what you say is so very true... Haters can kip on Hating that's what they where made too muahaha... They are wasting there time and life so ignorant =,=... By reading this I can tell that you are a very nice person whit a great heart... Well take care Emeraude much love bye ^^
